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124 bytes added, 16:42, 3 June 2019
Updated ET headlines with a link
== June 3rd, 2019 ==
* '''Evidenced Based Language Design''' -- In what ways can empirical evidence be used in the design of a language like JavaScript? What kind of impact would a more direct connection to developers give us? As stewards of the JavaScript specification, how do we answer questions about the design of JavaScript and help make it accessible to the thousands of new coders who join the industry each year? Yulia Startsev, part of Mozilla’s representation to TC39, is looking for feedback from developers everywhere to see how we might glean useful insights about the evolution of JavaScript from their feedback. You can read more and find a link to her [ survey ] in her [ Hacks blog post]. And Yulia is keen to hear from everyone -- from folks learning JavaScript as their first language, those coming to JavaScript from other languages, or experts who’ve been programming professionally in JavaScript for years. [ Fifteen minutes ] is all it takes...
* '''WebAssembly Outside the Browser''' -- Back in April we announced WASI, the “WebAssembly System Interface”, as part of introducing the idea of running WebAssembly (WASM) outside the browser. Interest in WASM and WASM outside the browser continues to grow, as was evidenced by the large crowd in attendance at the [ WASM meetup] in San Francisco, hosted by Docker. Still, WASM can be a bit hard to get your brain around, so you if you’re curious you might want to [ watch a talk] Dan Gohman gave at last week’s meet up, providing a lot more background and explanation about WebAssembly, WASI, and why there’s so much excitement (like from the [ Docker folks] who hosted the meetup.)
* '''Augmented World Expo'''-- AWE (Augmented World Expo) is the world’s most essential AR+VR conference and expo, with annual dates in the USA, Asia, Israel and Europe, as well as meetup chapters around the world. The tenth anniversary AWE event took place last week in Santa Clara, CA and featured our own Sean White and Tony Parisi [ on stage] together talking about the [ past, present and future] of the 3D web. Video of that session should be available soon, and we’ll keep you posted.

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