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2,561 bytes added, 16:17, 9 September 2019
Added ET headlines for this week
! colspan="2" | 2019 ET Headlines
! colspan="2" | '''Latest''': [[#August 26thSeptember 9th, 2019|August 26thSeptember 9th, 2019]]|-| September| [[#September 9th, 2019|9th]]
| August
== September 9th, 2019 ==
* '''Diversifying Voice Recognition''' -- Our Kelly Davis was interviewed by The Next Web for a story entitled “[ How Mozilla is Crowdsourcing Speech to Diversify Voice Recognition]”, highlighting our work on Mozilla’s Common Voice project. The article highlights that while voice control is the future of human-machine interaction, its innovative potential is widely untapped because developers, researchers, and startups around the globe working on voice-recognition technology face one problem alike: a lack of publicly available voice data in their respective language to train speech-to-text engines. That’s why Mozilla’s Common Voice and Deep Speech projects, along with other “non-corporate” community efforts, are so important.
* '''More Web for the Web of Things''' -- There’s initial progress on a new charter for the W3C Web of Things Working Group, which we’re eager to see evolve so we can bring core web platform benefits and mechanisms to the WoT standards effort along side prior work built more on embedded, industrial IoT. There’s still a lot of work ahead to introduce the changes we’re keen about, especially in interoperability to maximize consumer ability to mix and match connected home devices, and the protocols we’d use on the web for that interoperability. The charter [ working draft] is on online in case you’d like to take a look and comment, but be forewarned it’s a charter for writing specifications.
* '''Social VR Updates''' -- Our Social VR team has pushed a couple of updates including enhancing Spoke, our tool for creating 3D social spaces for Hubs, so it supports multi-object editing and project loading improvements. Also, if you’re left handed you might be pleased to hear we’ve added support for left-handed controller configurations to Hubs!
* '''Reminder/Request''' -- ViewSource 2019 begins three weeks from today with lots of great speakers and talks about the shape of the web and the web platform (which we'll record so you can watch them any time). Love to have you there, and/or to help us spread the word via social media, blogs, and developer conversations you may have between now and then. Details on speakers, venue, hotels and more are all on the [ web site]. Thanks!
== August 26th, 2019 ==

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