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432 bytes added, 16:13, 16 September 2019
Updated ET content
== September 16th, 2019 ==
*'''Hubs on television''' -- Last week, eNCA, a 24 hours news channel in South Africa, held the [ first televised interview] in a virtual space hosted in Hubs. The team from SingularityU South Africa, who was hosting the interview and demo, did a great job and had some amazing avatar and scene customizations, showing off the many ways Hubs can be used for different groups and purposes.
*'''Firefox Reality 1.4 Launch!''' -- [[File:FxRmultiwindow.jpg|100px|thumb|right|multiwindow Firefox Reality]]Last week we unveiled our latest and greatest Firefox Reality, with a number of exciting new browsing and content features. Users can now enjoy browsing in multiple windows side-by-side, with each window configurable to the size and position of your choice. Local browsing history is fully integrated in the experience, so you can easily get back to sites you’ve visited including through autocomplete in the search bar. We’ve also given the Content Feed a new look and improved menu of “Best of VR" content we curate so users can more easily find exciting experiences and content creators can get a boost in visibility for their great work. All the exciting details are in our [ MozVR blog post], including hints about more new features coming soon. You’ll find Firefox Reality 1.4 in the Viveport and Oculus stores.
* '''MDN and Caniuse Team Up''' -- [[File:MDNcaniuse.png|100px|thumb|right| with MDN]] Two years ago the MDN team started rebuilding its browser compatibility tables so they could be dynamically generated from a shareable database that has grown through contributions from more than 500 community members and browser developers. If you’re not getting your web compatibility information from MDN you’re probably getting it from [] and the caniuse project, and last week we announced those two efforts would be joining forces. Now all Caniuse search results will include MDN compatibilitty data, adding our over 10,000 data tables to the 500 available on More information on how this collaboration works and our datasets will continue to work and grow together is in our [ post on Mozilla’s Hacks Blog].

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