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82 bytes added, 17:20, 23 March 2020
Updated content
== March 23rd, 2020 ==
* '''IndieWeb Community''' has switched to online Homebrew Website Club meetups this past week, and successfully ran last weekend’s [ IndieWebCamp London] 100% online! IndieWebCamps have always been a mixture of in person and on-line, so the transition to on-line is a natural extension of the self-publishing nature of IndieWeb itself. Look for more 100% online IndieWeb events in your time zone, and come join us!
* '''Hubs''' -- This week is a big moment for our Hubs team as we are [ hosting] the [ IEEEVR conference] entirely in VR and with Mozilla Hubs. Since 1993, IEEE VR is has been the premier international event for the presentation of presenting research results in the broad area of virtual reality, and has been since 1993. Blair MacIntyre, part of our Mixed Reality team, is co-chair of IEEE VR 2020 and set things in motion two weeks ago to shift the conference from partially on-line to completely on-line in VR and Hubs. (Oh, and free, too!) Read more about it in Blair’s [ blog post]- we added the link to the wiki page. As you can imagine, we’re seeing a lot more interest in on-line shared spaces with Hubs front and center in those opportunities.- we will share new exciting developments in upcoming updates!
== March 16th, 2020 ==

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