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765 bytes added, 17:00, 6 July 2020
Updated content
* '''Common Voice Dataset Release''' -- The middle of 2020 brought an important [ dataset update] from Project Common Voice. This latest release contains 7,226 hours of contributed voice data, 5,591 of which have been confirmed by our diligent contributors. Not only is Common Voice growing, it’s continuing to diversify as this release now includes voice recordings in 54 languages, 14 of which are new. Importantly, Common Voice also launched its first ever [ targeted data segment], allowing us to construct speech models for specific, narrowly-defined use cases -- in this case turned for simple commands such as “yes”/”no”, digits recognition, and “hey Firefox”, which we’ll be using with [ Firefox Voice] and to help benchmark DeepSpeech.
* '''The DNA of the Web''' -- Last week Kadir Topal, MDN Product Manager and Victoria Wang, Sr.Firefox UX Developer, appeared (virtually) on stage at Google’s [ Live] event to talk about Mozilla’s Web Developer Needs Assessment (DNA) report. Recognizing the need for clear insights from designers and developers about what they most need from the web, we carried out a detailed global study in 2019 and published our first DNA Report, gathering insights from more than 28,000 developers in 173 countries. The results have been tremendously useful to browser vendors, tool makers, and standards bodies, and in part due to that interest we’re gearing up for a second round of research in order to publish the second annual edition of the report. In the meantime you can read the [ 2019 report] on MDN.
* '''Voice of the User''' -- The Experiences & Design team has completed mid year deliverables for two key projects, both focused on designing experiences & products that people love. The first, focused on older adults, so far resulted in a product concept that tackles issues of isolation by augmenting independence and removing barriers to independent living. The second, focused on minors, resulted in a product concept where early signs of unhealthy or abusive online instances are proactively flagged and addressed through AI-powered mechanisms. To ground the two concepts, the team has so far iterated ideas with over 2,000 users worldwide and numerous experts in the two user domains. Next step is to user test functional mockups to further refine concepts.
== June 29th, 2020 ==

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