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1,145 bytes added, 10:07, 23 July 2020
added foresight workshops section
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= Foresight Workshops =
In a series of foresight workshops, we intend to convene diverse, interdisciplinary groups to explore different facets of a positive, sustainable future. By visualising this future, we will back trace the steps necessary to bring this vision to life and identify the action we can and must take now to get there.
A pilot workshop in August 2020 will take a closer look at policy options, tapping into the idea of trustworthy AI and sustainability in the context of the EU’s upcoming AI policy.
Additional foresight workshops will explore actions for technologists, business leaders, and funders. And if you have additional ideas or interested in running similar workshops -- please do reach out, we’re happy to connect with you and support the facilitation of your efforts.
[[Projects/Sustainability/Workshops | Read more about our Foresight Workshop series and the Pilot here.]]
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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