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268 bytes added, 13:49, 26 March 2022
linkify "European summer time" (points to wikipedia), and add a list of date ranges for each UTC time (assuming the meeting always takes place after 01:00)
Status meetings for [[SeaMonkey]] are scheduled biweekly on Sundays at '''15:00 UTC''' (or '''14:00 UTC''' when [[Wikipedia:European Summer Time |European Summer Time]] is in effect) in the [ircs://Libera.Chat/SeaMonkey Libera.Chat #SeaMonkey channel] on IRC. This corresponds to 16:00 CET (Central European Time) and 23:00 (22:00) for Beijing/Hong Kong/Kuala Lumpur. Note that Daylight Saving Time is ''now again'' observed, the UTC time thus changes depending on European time.: <!-- The following date ranges assume the meeting takes place after 01:00 UTC -->* From the last Sunday of March to the last Saturday of October: 14:00 UTC* From the last Sunday of October to the last Saturday of March: 15:00 UTC
Watch the [news:// newsgroup] or the [ ''dev-apps-seamonkey'' mailing list] for agendas and other details.

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