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119 bytes removed, 12:05, 22 January 2023
Specialist Programs & Funding Programs:: Update Mozilla Awards and deleted "Student Internships" bit (looks like this has been cancelled),
* [ Fellowships] - For web activists, open-source researchers and scientists, and technology policy experts who work on the front lines of the internet health movement.
* [ Research Grants & Sponsorships] - For universities, labs and research-focused registered non-profits working to make the internet a better place.
* [ Mozilla Awards] - For open source projects that contribute to Mozilla’s work and to the health of the Internet.
* [ Mozilla's Open Source Support Awards]- provide catalytic funding to open source technologists.
* [ Student Internships] - For university/college students looking to intern with Mozilla.
* [ Outreachy] - For members of under-represented groups who want to intern in free and open source software.
* [ Summer of Code] - For student developers who want to work with an open source organization on a 3 month programming project during their break from school.
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