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QA/Community/Bug Watchers

29 bytes added, 08:44, 28 May 2009
Thunderbird Components - Default QA Contact
'''Account Manager - account-manager@thunderbird.bugs'''
Problems with setting up multiple mail and news accounts within a single profile in Mozilla Thunderbird.
* Watchers: Ludovic
'''Address Book - address-book@thunderbird.bugs'''
'''OS Integration - os-integration@thunderbird.bugs'''
Areas where Thunderbird integrates with the host desktop environment. Please use the relevant UI component for any Theme-related issues. Please use the "Core" product for other OS integration problems.
* Watchers: Ludovic
'''Preferences - preferences@thunderbird.bugs'''
'''MailNews: Internationalization - mailnews.i18n@core.bugs'''
* Watchers: Ludovic
'''MailNews: LDAP Integration - ldap-integration@mail.bugs'''
'''MailNews: Simple MAPI - simple-mapi@mail.bugs'''
* Watchers:Ludovic
== [ Core Components] - Default QA Contact ==
Canmove, confirm

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