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916 bytes added, 15:13, 14 July 2009
tasks... need to collect more!
| ETA=
| notes=Important for the Fennec UI
| task=Implement readonly remoting of preferences (nsIPrefService/nsIPrefBranch)
| name=
| mentor=bsmedberg
| bug=
| ETA=
| notes=Relatively easy, good beginner project.
| task=Remote all network access to the parent process
| name=jduell
| mentor=jst/biesi
| bug=
| ETA=
| notes=Need smaller subtasks!
| task=Asynchronous and remote resolution of history queries
| name=sdwilsh
| mentor=bz
| bug=
| ETA=
| notes=At least the asynchronous part should land on mozilla-central
| task=IPDL protocol state machine and verifications
| name=cjones
| mentor=bsmedberg
| bug=
| ETA=
| notes=Need better task description?
| task=IPDL/runtime support for shared-memory buffers
| name=
| mentor=
| bug=
| ETA=
| notes=Probably needed to make networking and canvas.drawWindow efficient
| task=NPObject-over-IPC
| name=bent
| mentor=
| bug=
| ETA=
| notes=
Confirm, emeritus

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