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268 bytes added, 02:30, 17 July 2009
Installation on Windows
your bugzilla pages.
=== Installation on Windows ===
Windows installations are not officially supported. By this we mean don't ask thedevelopers for help as we have never tried to install on Windows and don't have any desire to. However, there have been numerous users that have managed to doso on their own. Here are some pointers:
1. Add a .txt file extension to your corresponding patch file (\bugzilla\testopia\patch-3.0[.x]).
2. Edit the above patch file to remove *nix line feed characters, and putting
in classic DOS/Windows carriage returns. You can do this manually, or there are numerous utilities that will do this for you, such as unix2dos or tofrodos. 
3. Download GNU Patch and install it in a directory in your path.
It can be downloaded from
4. Change PERL paths from native *nix, to a Windows Format.
If you have MySQL Server installed, the Replace utility does a great job at this:
C:\<&lt;apache path>&gt;\htdocs\bugzilla> <&gt; &lt;MySQL path>&gt;\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" -- *.cgi *.pl C:\<&lt;apache path>&gt;\htdocs\bugzilla\Bugzilla> <&gt; &lt;MySQL path>&gt;\bin\replace.exe" "#!/usr/bin/perl" "#!C:\perl\bin\perl" -- *.pm
From here 5. Download Microsoft's nmake utility from: Run the steps should be fairly identical file to those above, meaning patchdecompress it.the files Copy both NMAKE.EXE and run checksetupNMAKE.plERR to your perl bin directory (usually c:\perl\bin).
If you have problems please post questions From here the steps should be fairly identical to those above, meaning patch the support-webtools listfiles and run checksetup. Do notemail the developers directlypl.
If you find additional pointers, have problems please post them questions to the Wiki version of this file at http://wikisupport-webtools list.mozillaDo not email the developers
If you find additional pointers, please post them to the Wiki version of this file at
=== Installing Dependencies ===

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