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EU MozCamp 2009

3,531 bytes added, 12:45, 21 July 2009
no edit summary
== Summary ==
Mozilla Europe is organizing a large two-day Mozilla conference in '''Prague, Czech Republic (Spain), 3-4 Oct, 2009'''. The conference, officially called "Mozilla Camp Europe 2009", aims to bring together Mozillians (staff and community members) from 4 main areas - '''DEV''', '''l10n''', '''Marketing/another name was proposed''' and '''QA''' - with a special focus on Europe.
== Tracks ==
The L10n tracks and QA tracks will consist of sessions/workshops/brainstormings/lightning talks all related to localization and quality assurance.?? and mkt???
The DEV tracks will encompass lots of different sub-areas (eg. Firefox, Thunderbird, Fennec; Add-ons, Labs etc..).
**L10n: .....
**Dev: Paul Rouget and Gandalf
**Marketing: Patrick FinchBrian KingFinch
**QA: ......
== Schedule ==
[[EU_MozCamp_2009/Programme|Click here]] for the detailed schedule.
== Session proposals ==
Here are other [[EU_MozCamp_2009/Session_Proposals|Session Proposals]] ???
==Keynote speakers==
? keynote speeches are planned (TBC) :
[[Saturday 3rd October, 2009]]
[[Sunday 4th October, 2009]]
== Registration ==
A maximum of ??? participants can be invited to the conference sessions/workshops.
== Venue ==
The 2 day conference will be held at ??? in Prague (see ??? map]). You can go on a very cool virtual tour of the venue ???<br>
Czech Republic<br>
Tel. ???<br>
Fax ???<br>
== Flights and Hotels ==
All travel and accommodation costs for participants who have received a personal email invitation by Mozilla Europe will be covered by Mozilla Europe.
All invited participants will be staying in ???. An email containing detailed information on their hotel has been sent to each participant.
Czech Republic<br>
Tel ???<br>
Fax ???<br>
link ???<br>
== Map and Points of Interest ==
Check out the [??? Mozilla Camp Europe Map] to have a good idea of where you'll be staying and the different places participants will be going to.
== Getting to and from the Mozilla Camp ==
=== Arriving at Barcelona International Airport ===
=== Getting to/from hotel ??? ===
=== Checking-in at your hotel ===
When you arrive at your hotel, you should proceed to the check-in desk where you'll be given keys to your room. Use Friday as a day to relax and get used to your surroundings, as we start first thing Saturday morning!
* you will be asked for a credit card as a deposit against damage and room charges; attendees are responsible for ''all room charges'' such as WiFi, room service, pay per view content, minibar charges and any damage.
=== Bars and restaurants near your hotel ===
A buffet breakfast will be served on Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning for participants.
=== Public transport near your hotel ===
=== Going to your hotel from downtown Barcelona ===
=== Going to the airport ===
== Getting around in Prague ==
== Logistics at the conference ==
=== Food & Drink ===
==== Mozilla dinner at ??? ====
=== WiFi ===
== LIVE Coverage of the Camp ==
== FAQ ==
=== Who are the Mozilla Camp contact persons in Prague? ===
William Quiviger
wquiviger [at] mozilla dot com
Irina Sandu
irina [at] mozilla-europe dot org
=== And in case of an emergency? ===
If ever you have a problem or an accident, here are some emergency numbers that you can dial:<br>
* If you require urgent police attention, ambulance, fire brigade etc.: ???
* If you want to report assault, robbery or accident to the police: ???
* Czech Police: ???
* Ambulance Service (???): ???
* Duty Pharmacies: ???
=== What if I want to come early or stay late? ===
Please note that any costs (hotel, food, bus, etc) associated with an extended stay will be at the attendee's own expense.
There are plenty of hotels in Prague. prefferential rate???
=== What weather should I expect? ===
=== What are the key sites to see in Barcelona ===
Prague is one of Europe's most spectacular cities. Here are a few must-sees we've selected :<br>
For tourist info, check out Prague's official tourist office :
==== [[EU_MozCamp_2008/Going_out|Going out in Barcelona]] ====
consult wikitravel
==== [[EU_MozCamp_2008/Basic_Catalan|Some Catalan phrases for your stay]] ==

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