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302 bytes removed, 20:05, 9 November 2009
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testing on virtually anything in the engineering process.
The following installation instructions assume you are installing the latest version of Testopia, currently version 2.03.
=== Requirements ===
* Bugzilla 3.04.x (3.0, 3.0.1+)
* Perl JSON 2.10
* GD-Graph3d 0.63
Installation instructions for Bugzilla can be found at
Note'''IMPORTANT NOTE: The following assumes ''' These instructions assume you have installed Bugzilla according to the Bugzilla instructions(from tarball or cvs). Installations from Debian .deb or from some RPM packagesmay place Bugzilla files in separate directories in which case, these will notwork.
Please make sure that your language of Bugzilla is the same as language of Testopia to be installed on. If you are not sure, just set language of your Bugzilla to English. You can change it any time later.
$> tar xzvf testopia-<version>.tar.gz
Next you need to patch the Bugzilla files. Find the patch file in the extensions/testopia directory matching your version of Bugzilla.For example, if you are running Bugzilla 3.0:4.3 you will apply the patch-3.4.3 patch file.
$> patch -p0 -i extensions/testopia/patch-3.04.3
For Bugzilla 3.0.1+:
$> patch -p0 -i testopia/patch-3.0.x
Finally, you need to run
2. You will now make a tarball of the source. If you like to update your
Bugzilla from CVS, be sure to delete the top level CVS direcory directory first.
$> cd mozilla/webtools/testopia
$> tar cvf /tmp/testopia.tar .
Once you have your tarball, follow the tarball instructions above to untar it into yourBugzilla directory The last step is to install the Ext libraries:
$> cd path/to/bugzilla/testopia/
$> wget $> unzip $> mv ext-23.0.1 extjs
Congratulations, you should be able to see the Testopia links at the bottom of
=== Upgrading ===
'''Upgrading on Bugzilla 3.0.x from Testopia 1.3 to 2.0:'''  1. Reverse the patch by running the command above with the -R option. 2. Follow the steps above to untar, reapply the patch, and run checksetup.HoweverIn general, you will need to patch with the patch-3.0 '''NOT 3.0.x''' as described above.follow these steps:
'''Upgrading from Bugzilla 2.22:''' You should first reverse # Reverse the old patch by running the 2.22 patch command you used to install with $> patch -p2 -R -i testopia/patch-2.22# Untar the new filesAs Testopia 2.0 is designed to work only with Bugzilla 3.0.x, you must firstupgrade Bugzilla. You can follow # Apply the instructions from to do this. new patchFrom there, follow the installation instructions above# Run
'''Upgrading to latest from CVS:'''
The script can be modified to checkout a tag or version if you know what you
are doing.
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