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764 bytes added, 20:43, 27 January 2010
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* Enable machine access via APIs and feeds where required
= Planned migration strategy Development timeline =
We plan to develop Kitsune in tandem with TikiWiki and migrate components over one at a time or in functional groups.
== Phase 1: Planning ==* Develop a low resolution roadmap for Kitsune: what will be built in what order and rough time and resource needs [[Support/SUMOMigrationOrder]]* Decide scope (what to build)* Choose tech platform (how to build it)* Develop a timeline for 2010 and beyond* Develop guidelines for what bugs should be fixed in the old codebase and which should be deferred* Plan and obtain necessary infrastructure == Phase 2: PRD development ==This phase will take place in parallel with phase 3.* For each component or component group in order, develop a PRD. This will involve community input including** Blogging** Brownbags** Design lunches** etc == Phase 3: Implementation ==This phase will take place in parallel with phase 2.* Develop components that have complete PRDs 
= System components =

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