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Labs/Meeting Minutes/20100405

561 bytes added, 17:13, 5 April 2010
Created page with 'Back to Labs = 2010/05/29 = == Goals & Progress == * TP team helping with Weave signup process thursday afternoon, 2 spots still open. == Upcoming Releases == * Test Pilo…'
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= 2010/05/29 =

== Goals & Progress ==
* TP team helping with Weave signup process thursday afternoon, 2 spots still open.

== Upcoming Releases ==
* Test Pilot 1.0 alpha
* Sync 1.2 coming out this week.
* updated with post-reboot code early this week.

== Team ==

== Hiring ==
* If you have a GSOC proposal, put it up (we get about ~10 applications per week, but more mentors are needed).

== Other ==
* Dan W out friday
* Rags & Pascal out today
* Labs calendar is owned by Chris, need to change that


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