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User:Gandalf/Draft:Bugzilla UI

1,295 bytes added, 19:42, 11 April 2006
no edit summary

Create a new default User Interface for Bugzilla 3.0. The UI with XHTML 1.0 Strict, use of DHTML and AJAX to improve the workflow, extensive Usability audit to make it beauty, easy to use for both, newbies who reports bugs, project devs to code, project managers to analyze and external people to search data about the project.


April 20th - first approach for searching screen<br/>
April 25th - first approach for bug screen<br/>
April 31st - Wiki and community gathering starts<br/>
May 20th - ready to use client-side first draft, begin of usability tests and vendor feedback gathering<br/>
June 31st - working front screen, search, bug editing, attachments - everything beside of admin panel<br/>
July 10th - API request from client-side team<br/>
August 31st - server-side API is ready<br/>
August 31st - client-side is polished and JS rewritten (works in IE)<br/>


Zbigniew Braniecki (gandalf at flock dot com)

People interested in participation:

Douglas Clavert (dcalvert at AllianceBankNA dot com)<br/>
Maciej Zamach (nikon01 at wp dot pl) (designer)<br/>
Aleksandra Drachal (ola at drachal dot com) (designer)<br/>
Szymon Błaszczyk (szymon at blaszczyk dot name) (usability guy)<br/>
Stanislaw Malolepszy (staszyna at aviary dot pl) (accessiblity guy)<br/>

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