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1,018 bytes added, 07:25, 15 May 2006
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''Open question #2:'' How can we better present this list? The mock-up menu is only an improvement over the bookmarks menu because new ones appear at the top. Perhaps we should have "last week's bookmarks", etc. sub-menu at the bottom. It would be really great if we could get a scrolling view of all of them in that popup.
== Tagging==
In the image above describing the star button, there are some tagging-related items in the drop-down menu. The first, "Tag page..." would bring up a tag-entry dialog box.
The second item sets the "default tag" which is applied to all pages when the star button is clicked. This allows the user to go into "research mode" where all bookmarked pages should be filed as a certain category. They would set the default tag to "wine" and then research wine tasting, clicking the star button for each interesting page.
''Open question:'' how does this get cleared? It also needs to be made a little easier; as-described it's a little obscure. Perhaps a checkbox in the add tag window that says "use as default." It is quite possible that this entire concept is too obscure, and the second item should be "Tag as XXX" where XXX is the list of the last tags used.
==== Viewing tags ====
Here is a potential tag viewing mode:
The selected text would get appended to the current note for the page, and the note pane would appear(this is using the same content as the tagging view in the previous section):

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