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364 bytes added, 07:37, 15 May 2006
This mock-up of the places window has several change over the current view.
On the left, the hierarchy has been removed. The hierarchy here causes visual clutter, but more importatly, it is confusing. The view of one's bookmarks hierearchy without the actual bookmarks can be surprising and cause one to wonder where the bookmarks went.
We would like to support one-click bookmarking with a system that better manages a large list of bookmarks. In this mock-up, a "star" button is added to the bookmarks toolbar. Clicking on the star adds the current page to your "Bookmarks Inbox" A.K.A. "New Bookmarks".
Clicking on the down-arrow next to the star brings up the most recent items in the bookmarks inbox. When a bookmark is added, it is marked as "unread" (even though the user is currently on the page) and appears bold. When they visit the page again, it becomes "read" and is no longer bold. This is to support the "to-do list" metaphor: bookmarked pages that have not been visited are more prominent to allow easier finding.
As more items are added, older items fall off the bottom of the menu. They would still be accessable though the Places UI by clicking "View all bookmarks and tags" at the bottom. The full UI would also allow tagging and filing into bookmarks folders:
This capability would be alongside the current bookmarks menu and toolbar. Bookmark|Add Bookmark would still work, and would still default to the menu for those used to it. Some people would like to remove the bookmarks menu altogether, it would be nice to have one less place to worry about finding bookmarks. If we can find a way to harmonize the inbox contept with the menu without breaking people, it would be the most desirable way to go.
Here is a potential tag viewing mode:
== Notes ==
To add a note, the user can select text and right-click.
The selected text would get appended to the current note for the page, and the note pane would appear (this is using the same content as the tagging view in the previous section):
This pane would appear whenever the user visits a page where they have added a note. It would also be toggle-able from the View menu.
One of the most important reasons for notetaking is the ability to have all the information in one place. To view notes added to pages, the user can click on "View notes" in any bookmark or tag view:
This provides all the information that they have noted for all pages in one convenient view. For example, the use would tag their airline pages with the same tag, and would be able to call all of them up at once to compare.
''Open question:'' What happens if a note is added to a page that is not bookmarked? Perhaps we want to add it to the bookmark inbox.

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