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1,482 bytes removed, 01:33, 17 January 2011
= Roadmap =
''See [[/Timeline]] for the old description.''
Kitsune will run in parallel with TikiWiki, slowly taking over features. For every Kitsune release, until approximately 2.4, there will be corresponding TikiWiki release (1.5.x) as we shift more and more traffic from the old software to the new. == 2.0/1.5.4: Search Results [Done] == * Execute searches and display results from Kitsune.* Maintain session data between Kitsune and TikiWiki.* Develop deployment strategy for Kitsune.* Timeline:** Freeze: April 22.** Push: May 6. == 2.1/1.5.5: Discussion Forums [Done] == * Discussion forums (Contributors/Off-topic).* Discussion forum administration.* Access control in Kitsune.* First data migration.* TimelineSupport:** Start: Late April.** Freeze: Late May.** Push: June. == 2.2Sumodev/1.5.6: Support Forums [Done2011Q1_Roadmap] == * Support forum(s).* New support forum interface.* Support forum administration.* Second data migration.* Timeline:** Start: Mid May.** Freeze: Late July.** Push: 4 August. == 2.3/1.5.7: Knowledge Base [Underway] == * Knowledge Base wiki.* Parts of new wiki interface.* Wiki administration.* Third data migration.* Timeline:** Start: July.** Feature Freeze: 11 November** Code Freeze: 23 November** Push: 30 November == 2.4: User Accounts == * User registration, login, logout.* User management.* Basic profile information.* Final data migration.* Timeline (Tentative):** Start: Mid-November** Feature Freeze: 7 December** Code Freeze: 14 December** Push: 16 December
= System components =

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