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120 bytes added, 16:57, 11 April 2011
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<small>&laquo; [[Features]]</small>
This list needs to be divided into smaller lists by team (col with team name added to column 2):
* Platform (Gecko?)
* Any others needed...
After that is done, each team PMs and relevant teams should go over their listthen review these lists by '''Friday, April 11th''' and:# add/modify/remove items as needed, and # sort the list items by priority order from most important to least important. This is not a P1/P2/P3 bucketing, but a no-ties rank ordering (#1, #2, #3, etc.) Please pull in other people where appropriate (ie: Sid Stamm for Privacy stuff, Dan Mills for Identity, etc.)
If at all possibleNote that this is in addition to the P1/P2/P3 bucketing, where everything should end up in a no-ties rank ordering (#1, #2, #3, please have etc.) Do this done by Fridayadding a rank # in parentheses after the Pr# template. For example: <code>'''<nowiki>{{Pr1}} (1)</nowiki>'''</code>. If you have any questions, April 11thplease contact [[User:Dria|Deb]].
== Features List ==
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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