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QA/Community/QMO Design

No change in size, 03:23, 9 August 2006
'''What is QMO?'''
== '''What is QMO?''' ==
* With so many different channels of communication, '''new (and sometime veteran) mozilla conributors contributors can sometimes get lost.''' Developers hang out in #developers, testers user use, everyday users submit Talkback reports and browse the mozillaZine forums...there are just so many places to be.
* Since '''QA is often the entry point for people interested in the mozilla project''', it is critical to provide them with a place to go to get started. In the early days, was that place, but over the years it has become outdated as people migrated over to the forums, newsgroups, and wikis. So most of the information there, although still useful (and mostly relevant), is no longer enough to help someone get started with the mozilla project as a tester.
* QMO will fix both problems mentioned above by providing a '''central portal for everything related to software quality, Mozilla QA, and the mozilla community'''.
Confirm, emeritus

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