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1,559 bytes added, 14:37, 23 May 2011
Evaluating the Options
''Background: Julian Viereck was a Bespin contributor early in the project. In 2010, he continued working on Skywriter and was full-time on the project and other developer tools during the summer. He contributed word wrap and code folding to Ace in 2011. Julian knows Ace about as well as anyone. What follows is a paraphrasing of some of his thoughts after taking a look at Orion.''
In a nutshell, Julian sees more work in taking Orion's rendering and input and merging that into Ace than adding some of Ace's nice features to Orion.Julian followed up with the following: <blockquote>Basically, as soon as you go with the Orion rendering, you will need to relay on some other parts of Orion like the selection as well. This means, you won't need a lot of stuff that's in Ace. The only parts I see so far that can be reused from the current Ace codebase are the Modes/Syntax highlighting and some of the core infrastructure (keyboard handling etc). Therefore I think it's easier to add the missing features to Orion as instead moving a lot of Orion code on top of the Ace codebase but ignore big chunk of the Ace codebase and instead have to make sure everything is compatible between Orion and Ace.</blockquote>
He thinks that we should talk with the Orion people to get them to follow the same syntax highlighting modes "standard" that Skywriter/Ace/CodeMirror had adopted.
* Features like moving text with the mouse might require changes to contentEditable (he's not sure about that one)
* Features like highlighting every occurrence of the selected word should be possible.
Regarding Code Folding, Julian added:
<blockquote>There is a good change to reuse the ACE code for folding, but I'm not sure how folding is implementable as soon as you start thinking of some text that goes from right to left. This means you can use the underlaying infrastructure of ACE but still will need some (maybe a lot) work to get things work in every situation as expected. Ace doesn't handle these edge cases which means it will need to get implemented in any case.</blockquote>
Regarding moving text with the mouse, Julian added:
<blockquote>The point was not that it might need changes to the contentEditable, but some work on getting text movement working in case of right to left text. Doing the implementation (remove some text here, add it later there) should be doable with what a contentEditable allows currently (from what I can tell so far).</blockquote>
== Next Steps & Open Issues ==
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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