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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

445 bytes added, 12:45, 7 September 2011
no edit summary
** Which protocols of "instant" communication make sense here probably depend on what the users we target need or already use. 'protocols' might be less relevant than 'network' from a user stand point. I suggest we use this word rather than the technical one.
** What network list should we consider ?
 * Who are the target users?** People already using both Thunderbird and some other IM software?*** Should we detect already configured email accounts that are likely also usable for IM? (,, @hotmail, ...)** Thunderbird users without IM account/experience?*** Should we offer to create an account during the first startup?** People using competing software that already integrates email and IM (Gmail website, Outlook+Office Communicator, ...)?|Feature overview=The goal is to bring additional value to Thunderbird users by leveraging instant messaging communications. In other words, to enrich the email experience with instant messaging functionality. |Feature users and use cases=Targeted users are people who use Thunderbird for their emails and use some other software to may IM the same set of contacts.
Additional value should come from bringing IM features closer to Thunderbird, for example:

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