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Enterprise/Meetings/2011 Sep

2,848 bytes added, 18:28, 8 September 2011
Created page with "= August 2011 Enterprise Working Group Call = == Call Details == The Enterprise Working Group call is scheduled for Thursday, September 8th at 09:00 Pacific (16:00 GMT). Call d..."
= August 2011 Enterprise Working Group Call =

== Call Details ==

The Enterprise Working Group call is scheduled for Thursday, September 8th at 09:00 Pacific (16:00 GMT). Call details will be sent to the Mozilla Enterprise mailing list. To subscribe to this list, please send a request to [,%20IT%20staff%20and%20Firefox%20developers%20to%20discuss%20the%20challenges,%20ideas%20and%20best%20practices%20for%20deploying%20Firefox%20in%20the%20enterprise.%0A%0ABecause%20we%20would%20like%20to%20vouch%20for%20members%20in%20order%20to%20ensure%20that%20discussions%20are%20private,%20if%20you%20are%20interested%20in%20joining,%20we%20ask%20you%20to%20fill%20out%20a%20short%20form%20to%20let%20us%20know%20who%20you%20are.%0A%0AName:%0A%0AOrganization:%0A%0AEmail%20address%20(Will%20be%20visible%20to%20other%20participants%20when%20you%20email%20the%20list.):%0A%0AWhy%20are%20you%20interested%20in%20participating%20in%20the%20Mozilla%20Enterprise%20User%20Working%20Group?%20What%20are%20you%20most%20looking%20forward%20to%20discussing? join the mailing list.] Please note that mailing list subscription is moderated, and addition to the list may require verification.

== Agenda ==

* Welcome
* Call for participants
* Role Call

There is no set theme for the call, but we'd like to focus discussion around:

== Meeting Notes ==

EWG Call, August 4th 2011, 09:00 Pacific Daylight Time

=== Welcome ===

Welcome to the Enterprise Working Group's second planned call. Calls will be held at 0900 Pacific on the first Thursday of every month and will have a theme. Today's theme will center on what the EWG could do to help support an extended support release of Firefox. Additional participants welcome, and a call for additional participation/referral is requested of EWG members present.

Call participants are asked to mute while listening. The command for muting is *6, the command for unmuting is *7.

=== Participant Introductions ===

The following EWG members from Mozilla attended. To respect the wishes of some members, we have not included non-Mozilla members below. Please feel free to update these minutes to include your name and/or org, as desired.

* Stormy Peters, Mozilla
* Kev Needham, Mozilla
* John O'Duinn, Mozilla
* Christian Legnitto, Mozilla
* Rob Strong, Mozilla
* Jorge Villabos, Mozilla

= IRC Log of Meeting =

During EWG calls, we use the #ewg channel on for discussion. This channel is available at all times for discussion, and EWG participants are encouraged to join. Please note that company names and associated information are redacted.

[[irc_log|Call log from #ewg]]

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