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Features/Thunderbird/Instant messaging in Thunderbird

95 bytes added, 16:18, 29 September 2011
no edit summary
|Feature dependencies=* Address book updates to support IM addresses for different networks (?)
* Composing in a tab, so that potential IM activity indicators placed in the main UI stay visible. (?)
|Feature requirements=* IM right from Thunderbird* Manage contacts for email and IM in a single place.
* Search both Email and IM archives at once.
* Keep track of links between related emails and IM conversations.
|Feature non-goals=* Turn Thunderbird into an IM client for people who don't want to use it for their emails.
* Support as many IM protocols as possible: For a first version with IM features included, we want to focus first on a good UI integration between email and IM features. Support for more protocols can come later.

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