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3,205 bytes added, 23:22, 5 October 2006
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Welcome to Testopia!

Testopia is a test case management extension for Bugzilla. It is designed to
be a generic tool for tracking test cases, allowing for testing
organizations to integrate bug reporting with their test case run results.
Though it is designed with software testing in mind, it can be used to track
testing on virtually anything in the engineering process.

=== Requirements ===
* Bugzilla 2.22 or 2.23

Testopia is an extension to Bugzilla. This means that if you have one of the
supported versions of Bugzilla installed, you are all set to install Testopia.
Testopia has been tested and is known to work with Bugzilla on Linux running
MySQL. To my knowledge there is nothing that would prevent it from working on
Windows installations or with PostgreSQL databases, however these have not been

=== Installation ===

''From the tarball:''

If you are installing Testopia from the release tarball, simply expand the
tarball in your bugzilla top level directory. On linux this would look
something like this:

$> cp testopia-<version>.tar.gz /path/to/bugzilla
$> cd /path/to/bugzilla
$> tar xzvf testopia-<version>.tar.gz

You then need to run followed by, and follow any
instructions that they produce.

''From CVS''

If you want to install the latest code from CVS you will need to do the

1. Check out the CVS code in a temporary location

$> export
$> cvs login
(Logging in to
CVS password: anonymous
$> cvs co Testopia

2. You will now make a tarball of the source. If you like to update your
Bugzilla from CVS, be sure to delete the top level CVS direcory first.

$> cd mozilla/webtools/testopia
$> rm -rf CVS
$> tar cvf /tmp/testopia.tar .

Once you have your tarball, follow the instructions above to untar it into your
Bugzilla directory and run tr_install and checksetup. The last step is to
install the dojo libraries:

$> cd path/to/bugzilla/testopia/
$> svn co dojo

Congratulations, you should be able to see the Testopia links at the bottom of
your bugzilla pages.


Good question. For the most part it should work the same as on Linux,
substituting the appropriate paths and commands. Unfortunately I don't have
a good Windows setup to try it on.

=== Upgrading from 1.0 ===

NOTE: This should only be done on a Bugzilla 2.22 installation

# Untar the testopia files.
# Remove testopia/tr_patch_successful
# run patch -p2 -i testopia/patch-2.22 Answering no when it asks to apply -R
# run -nopatch
# run

=== Getting Help ===

First you should consult the documentation. You can reach it by clicking the
Help link on your installation or by visiting:

Questions can be asked on the mailing list:


or in the IRC channel at:


The latest news and info can be found at the project homepage:

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