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1,614 bytes added, 17:43, 2 November 2011
Created page with "So you would like to get involved in the Mozilla localization efforts. Great! We're very happy to have you and we welcome any contribution you are able to make. But you're probab..."
So you would like to get involved in the Mozilla localization efforts. Great! We're very happy to have you and we welcome any contribution you are able to make. But you're probably wondering, "What can I do to get involved? Where do I go to find the oppotunities available to me?"

If I've read your mind (and don't be too shocked that I did), then you're in luck, because you've come to the right page! Below are ten ways to get involved in the Mozilla l10n communities and join one of the largest commuinty l10n communities on the face of the Earth. Look over the list, determine which option best suits you, your skills, and your time availability, and then jump in! There are plenty of opportunities and we're excited to have you join us!<br>


= 10 ways to contribute to Mozilla l10n<br> =

#Contact the [ Mozilla l10n teams] and ask how you can contribute to their efforts.<br>
#Download, test and file bugs for Aurora and Beta builds that are translated into 86+ different languages.<br>
#Localize articles on the [ Firefox Support site].<br>
#Help localize [ Mozilla Web Sites, Services, and Marketing Campaigns].<br>
#[ Start a new localization effort] if one does not already exist for your locale.<br>
#Localize wiki pages related to localization on the [ Mozilla Developer Network wiki](MDN).

Accountapprovers, canmove, confirm

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