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Engagement/Developer Engagement/MDNEvents

1,409 bytes added, 20:59, 20 December 2011
MDN Events
The concept behind MDN Events is to wage a guerrilla campaign to opportunistically stage events that leverage Mozilla's global presence and reach out to the web developer community. If there is an existing Mozilla event, space, or work week *or* key 3rd party event happening that is located somewhere interesting, we will leverage that existing event or space and stage an MDN event.
===Hack Days ===
MDN Hack days are 1-day events comprising of morning lightning talks from Mozillians on Mozilla projects & open web technology, followed by an afternoon of hacking and collaboration.
Inspirational Models:
* Addon SDK Hack Day
* World Series of Hack?
===Sessions ===
Sessions are afternoon or evening events made up of 30-45 minute talks given by a mix of Mozillians and others on Mozilla projects & open web technology. Inspirational Model: * Super VanJS event  ===Developer Hacker Lounges=== MDN Hacker lounges are spaces sponsored by MDN at either 3rd party conferences or Mozilla events such as MozCamp or the Mozilla Suummit. MDN Hacker Lounges should contain all of the key ingredients that catalyze hacking sessions, including: * working wifi* comfortable seating and standing options* whiteboards* plentiful power options* mobile devices to test with* snacks & caffeine* resident hackers to help people Hacker Lounges should be able to host ad-hoc hacking sessions as well as organized sprints. Inspirational Model: * MDN hacker Lounge at

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