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737 bytes added, 22:22, 25 January 2012
Browser Technologies (Tony)
** Dria (Deb Richardson) is now officially PM
** Talked to Browser ID/WebQA team to figure out how to best tackle the issue of testing Browser ID and having infrastructure to have selenium tests for Pancake to run daily.
* webapis (jhammink)
** presently main focus with these is now with marionette on B2G (P2), mainly
Insofar as they tie into work with B2G
* b2G (jhammink)
** now building, test driving marionette against b2g on both devices and emulator; have gaia (frontend) working with marionette, python, and JS
****coming soon - blog post coming for all of the above
**Currently manually testing Telephony, SMS, GAIA UI, very hard!
**Test plan for MWC congress demo (last week Feb)
***test plan will cover mainly functionality (use-cases), (but also reliability, performance, security tbd)
attending B2G workweek in feb
**Two new interns to onboard
**wanna use Vlad Maniak as a resource - and he has expressed interest!
=== WebQA (Stephen) ===

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