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3,770 bytes added, 22:34, 25 January 2012
=== Today ===
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Ideas around structure for QA- no names attach- general buckets- general work needing to be done- not cast in stone- subject for talks in/out of- quickly go through it  high points: Desktop- Jan 21st.- 2:30 warpcore: sign off on 10- not working ex. try to catch it all- general web usage testing- if there is any bugs, is it blocking? - plans have been discussed - mitigating plans - so far, no wiki for it- Anthony on 3.6 - in the wiki Mobile- risk for 1/31 - maybe adjusting the release date for Beta- Moving parts- reiterate try to use mobile and get performance in it, responsiveness, pulling up tabs, etc.- Services side - new work for back end - browserid: next 2 trains are big- b2g - goal for world congress - ux demo - how to flash gecko/gia on a device WebQA- Affliates - new contributer - rajiv is doing onboarding- Mozillians - contributer Austin Community- planning community goals- Matt approached bmoss for a headset for contributer - if you want to send a thank you/or tool for a contributer, we will find a way to help- community giving program - funding; something small; non specific, just for contributing/in the community; if we get into specifics then it lends to mercenaries. - studies on compensation. We don't want mercenaries we want community Automation services - speed improvements due to support for running in parallel- memchaser Case Conductor- 0.8 release- 1.0 release for the quarter- ~ 3/1 0.9- middle of march stabilization- end of march 1.0- small projects into case conductor Note:- rules of snakes- don't send Bob in a knife to a gunfight - when you mean a ton of time... - how much are we going to save ahead of time - give data for the time, for the bug - if it doesnt make sense to them, you're not going to persuade them- give the next level of information Raymond - took over QMO Org:META groups:- Community (Marcia) - triage (bugs) : - help people log bugs - pick up the phone; help understand issues to get a solid bug - QMO - Automation - tools : some set that make the right set of tools happen; QA/community can help implement, but no necessarily set it up (permenant) - tests : need people to actually write the tests in automated tools (nonpermenant/pull to various groups/everyone eventually get there) *Web - Correctness App Store (UI) M. O. Mozillians Socorro *Server - Performance testing/Load testing/Failover testing/Crypto/Data Store Sync Browser ID -> Services App Store Socorro * Client (Native; Mac, Win, Android) Mobile, Desktop Apps B2G (might be different) -> we stand behind it because we said it... => shell -> of passing it to waverly.-> at some point we have to say no. what willing to stop? --> What's the problem that we're trying to solve?--> Learn to say "No" - Automation Team versus QA? Probably no difference. [Clear understanding what the load is / What's going to break?] [Amount of work is limited -> get the automation; maintenance work, = > do it incrementally; maintenance] [Testing/Security testing is in all three buckets] [Security Team][Taros : Snappy, Telemetry] [try to have a standardization - one off ] [strattling buckets? Community and Web/Server/Client? ]  [ Be able to cross train and do what needs to be done; specialty seems broken, expertise should be there though] [ Accountability for the tools? - make sure that the group is happy; tool is useful? - check back with the customer - break down of communication/management] [ Do it through influence/not authority ] [ Skill sets are different for Web, Server, Client, ex selenium for web, but not client; server doesn't necessary have a ui, JSON thingy, ] Next Step is to figure out details 
=== Last Meeting ===
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