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2,410 bytes added, 22:06, 22 February 2012
no edit summary
* also looked at e10s but that project stalled
|SecReview solution chosen=* This solution maintains the users profile and allows a session to enter private mode
* This solution allows entering private browsing mode for one window while maintaining existing windows in non-private browsing mode
|SecReview threats considered=* feature does not interact with web content
* Other than allowing private/non-private at the same time functionality remains the same
|SecReview threat brainstorming=* Assume we have two tabs (one private, one non-private) on the same domain. Can javascript running on one page affect the other?
** they would need a window reference, and shouldn't be able to get one
** There is no way for the non-private window to get a reference to the non-private window.
* or more likely: two separate pages, one private, both with a Facebook like button. What cookies does FB get for both?
** The cookies associated with the private/non-private cookie store. Each has separate cookies.
** Is their a boundary for the postmessage API? postmessage from Private browsing shoudn't access non-private browsing. Again here they would need a window reference, which they don't have.
*** Unless an addon mixes window references? without understanding the implications. frames within private windows inherit privateness. what about a background window (a document that is not visible)? going to inherit private/non-private flag of its parent docshell
* session restore should not save private tabs
** could discourage people from restarting Firefox (e.g. upgrading)
*** explicit restarts should perhaps be treated differently than shutdowns. do we want private browsing session to survive an explicit restart? No - what if firefox crashes on the restart, and then the data will persist on disk. We could just add a warning that the private windows will be lost after restart.
* There will be a visual distinction between private windows and non-private windows.
* dragging tabs between private and non-private windows - need to handle this case
* How do plugins work? Some (flash) now support private mode, but it's probably global when we initialize them.
** bug 722942 covers addressing this
* Does XHR get the right load context for cookies?
** it should
* Do workers get the right load context for cookies?
** dunno -- see action items
* will the new download panel show downloads only for the current window or globally? If global then PB will have to do some more work.
** bug 722859 covers the download manager change, and bug 564934 covers the new download manager
|SecReview action item status=None
|Feature version=Firefox 13+
|SecReview action items=<table border="1">
<td>Who</td><td>Action</td><td>By When</td><td>Completed date</td>
<tr><td>jdm ehsan </td><td>Do workers get the right load context for cookies?</td><td>before code migrates to aurora</td><td>{{new|new}}</td>
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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