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16 bytes added, 15:19, 25 March 2012
The Problem With Using SSL
The sixth problem is that SSL has a processing cost on the establishment of each and every connection, whereas person-based PKI such as that of the debian distribution system requires the package to be digitally-signed once and only once: actually checking the signature is done at the receipient end, and the network infrastructure does not require any actual processing.
The seventh problem is that if a certificate-"pinned" store is down, there is absolutely no way for the applications on it to be made available. period. In the case of contentious applications such as privacy-guarding applications, this actually becomes a serious problem especially in light of the USA's misuse and abuse of power to blatantly disregard other nation's sovereign rights over their citizens' legally-owned domain nameby seizing them.
Overall, then, the use of SSL can be clearly shown to fail to meet the requirements, and the primary reason is because SSL PKI is host-based security.

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