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Tab on demand

830 bytes added, 12:17, 14 June 2012
Clarify what this is all about, to ease security review
|Feature overview=Most users prefer starting the browser right where they left off. Firefox is moving to a model that restores all tabs when a user starts up the browser but delays the loading of background tabs until they are needed. This will improve the performance and usability of Firefox just after launch.
'''Context''':* The ability to delay-load background tabs was originally developed as part of {{bug|586068}}, "Cascade page loads when restoring".** ''There is no feature page but there is a [[Security/Reviews/Firefox4/Cascade Session Restore Security Review|security review]] for the feature.''* An <tt>about:config</tt> and UI boolean preference for this was implemented in {{bug|648683}}, "Expose tabs on-demand preference" ([[Features/Desktop/Expose prefs for tabs-on-demand|feature page]]).* '''This feature page''' is about enabling the boolean preference by default. See {{bug|711193}} for more detail.* The final goal is to make it the default to restore the previous session on startup, without affecting startup performance, or responsiveness just after startup.** See '''[[Speedy Session Restore#7. Implementation plan|Speedy Session Restore]]'''. 

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