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10 bytes added, 11:52, 17 February 2005
'''Q.''' ''Seriously, though, if you're not aiming at Outlook users, what are you doing?''<br>
'''A.''' Given Outlook's immense share of the email and calendaring market, it would be foolish to ignore its capabilities and characteristics, from both user and administrator perspectives. While Lightning will certainly incorporate concepts from Outlook -- &mdash; as from other email/calendar applications, such as Evolution, Remail and Chandler -- &mdash; it is not designed to be simply an "Outlook knock-off". Just as Thunderbird improved the email experience beyond what is provided by Outlook and Outlook Express, Lightning is designed to improve the calendaring experience for Outlook converts and newcomers to calendaring applications alike.
'''Q.''' ''Will Lightning have support for <whatever> servers?''<br>
'''Q.''' ''Where can I learn more? (Or: I have a Great Idea!)''<br>
'''A.''' This wiki section will collect more documents about Lightning. Also, the mozilla.calendar newsgroup is a good place to read about Lightning, and ask questions. '''Please use the discussion tab above''' (or in another lightningLightning-related entry!) to add comments and additional questions. I'll come back through here as frequently as time permits and incorporate them appropriately.

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