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1,414 bytes added, 17:50, 11 September 2012
== Agenda ==
September 11
* Jonas
** W3C conversations about sync API
** polished localStorage patches to hand off to Jan
* Jan
** Bug 787804 - Rewrite quota handling (eliminate test_quota.c)
*** cleaned up the patch
*** need to verify thread locks correctness
** Bug 789348 - make about:home not use localStorage
*** started looking at the patches
*** need to decide what to do, since there's a similar effort in progress
** Attended MozCamp 2012 in Warsaw
*** a lot of fun
* Bonnie
** Bug 668194 - Geolocation with DBus review comments done. Should be checked in soon.
** Bug 778245 - Started working on geolocation on B2G with wpa_supplicant.
* Mounir
** working on updates
** doing reviews
* Andrea
* Ben* WebSocket ported to WebIDL - landed \o/* Doug* P2 -> 609748 - Workers: If CSP blocks eval in a page, eval should also be blocked in workers created by that page - patch ready** Bug 720083 - Workers: add support for transferable objects from HTML5 spec - patch ready* Paul** I wrote a benchmark app and the results are impressive:* Malini** chrome: 20ms 6760 MB/s - firefox: 7ms 7318 MB/s - average of 20 loops roundtrip 64MB***** P3 -> 761227 - Support XMLHttpRequestParameters in workers - patch ready** MozCamp
* Rob
* Geo* Kyle M.spent the last week preparing for MozCamp B2G automated test session; attended MozCamp Warsaw which was excellent* Philikon* Gregorwill continue with WebTelephony WebAPI test development
* Round table / open discussion
** put level of effort (LOE) estimates into whiteboard for blocking-basecamp+ bugs
Canmove, confirm

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