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Update:Remora Deployment

1,031 bytes added, 23:40, 9 February 2007
Run Migration Script
== Databases ==
=== Run Migration Script ===
* Migration command '''You need at least python 2.4 to run this''' Run ''python -V'' to check your version.* Go to /services/bin/* Create migration.conf and fill in values. For example, mine looks like: oldDatabaseName=c_amov2 oldPassword=******** oldServerName=localhost oldUserName=web newDatabaseName=c_remora newPassword=******** newServerName=localhost newUserName=web fileCachePath=files * The fileCachePath is a relative path that will hold a copy of all the versions of all the addons - you'll need to create this directory. In my example, I created a directory named "files" in /services/bin/.*(If you're thinking of moving the script out of /services/bin, that's fine, but take blank.png with it - they need to be in the same dir when the script runs)* Run ''./ -MAv --recalculateHash >> migrate.out 2>&1'' - I'm redirecting the output here because there is a lot and we should look through it for errors.* Lots of additional info and examples for the migration script is available [[Update:Remora_Database_Migration|here]] 
=== Run SQL Patches ===
* Run SQL to modify migrated data for production
Confirm, emeritus

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