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Releases/Thunderbird 17.0.2esr/BuildNotes

386 bytes added, 01:48, 5 January 2013
no edit summary
Tagging failed when trying to push to hg because the path to the ssh key was wrong due to the mock switch. This patch was landed and buildbot-configs was retagged to fix: After that, rebuilt the tagging builder. After it completed, forced source, en-US builds, and bouncer submitter (because tagging downstreams don't fire correctly after a rebuild.
Because of rebuilding tag instead of re-doing sendchanges, all repacks are failing because "script_repo_revision" isn't set. These can be fixed by forcing the failed builders and setting a "script_repo_revision" property to the release tag (eg, FIREFOX_18_0_RELEASE). I've done this for all failed repacks that I've seen. (Though, some have additional problems, see below for details).
=== Win32 build failed ===
Win32 build failed with what looks like a path-length-too-long problem ("bad file number"). I couldn't figure out what to shorten in the directory path that didn't seem incredibly risky to do. Not sure what to do here. FIXME
Canmove, confirm

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