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Releases/Thunderbird 17.0.2esr/BuildNotes

121 bytes added, 18:20, 6 January 2013
no edit summary
Attempt #2: Hardcode a very short directory name for this specific builder: I verified that this actually shortened the path with I then pushed the patch, retagged, reconfiged the build masters, and restarted the build. In the logs I see " in dir e:\builds\moz2_slave\zzz\build", so if the path length is the problem, this should fix the issue.
Attempt #2 succeeded. Had to do the script_repo_revision fix for the subsequent repacks, just like the other platforms.
=== Linux repacks failed ===
Linux repacks failing with "cannot create executable" during configure. I suspect this is related to mock, wasn't able to look into it. Catlee and jhopkins landed this patch and retriggered the builds to fix them:
Canmove, confirm

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