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206 bytes removed, 07:15, 15 April 2007
Steps to localizing AMO in a new language
I suspect most (if not all) localizers already have SVN accounts for (from [ bug 356627]). If you have an account already, and you would like to be able to manage the files in SVN yourself (this is everything that isn't dynamic data), please:
* Reopen the original bug that was filed to get you SVN access
* Click "edit" next to the word "Blocks" and add "xxxxxx" to the comma separated list (note: the "give localizers access to remora" bug doesn't exist yet. When it does, replace xxxxxx with whatever it is)
* In the comments, request SVN access to:
** svn+ssh:// (replacing ___ with your locale)
Confirm, emeritus

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