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QA/Community/Bug Watchers

34 bytes added, 09:21, 1 July 2007
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'''Error Console - javascript.console@firefox.bugs'''
The Error Console displays errors, warnings and messages from various components including but not limited to JavaScript, DOM, XML, and CSS. This component is for problems with the Console itself and not for browser or web page problems that are noted in the console.
* Watchers:Whimboo
'''Extension Compatibility - extension.compatibility@firefox.bugs'''
'''Preferences - preferences@firefox.bugs'''
Bugs and feature requests for Firefox preferences. This includes the Tools->Options UI as well as the preference defaults.
* Watchers: Jay, Tomcat, Whimboo
'''RSS Discovery and Preview - rss.preview@firefox.bugs'''
'''Software Update - software.update@firefox.bugs'''
Update Checking for both the Firefox application as well as installed Extensions, Themes.
* Watchers: Jay, Tomcat, Whimboo
'''Startup and Profile System - startup@firefox.bugs'''
'''Toolbars - toolbars@firefox.bugs'''
Bugs and feature requests for Firefox toolbars. This includes toolbar customization.
* Watchers:Whimboo
'''View Source - view.source@firefox.bugs'''
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

Navigation menu