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QA/Community/Bug Watchers

39 bytes added, 20:14, 9 July 2007
[ Firefox Components] - Default QA Contact
'''Installer - installer@firefox.bugs'''
Bugs and feature requests for the Firefox application install wizard.
* Watchers: Jay, Tomcat, marcia
'''Keyboard Navigation - keyboard.navigation@firefox.bugs'''
'''OS Integration - os.integration@firefox.bugs'''
Areas where Firefox integrates with the host desktop environment
* Watchers: Jay, Tomcat, Ray, marcia
'''Page Info -'''
'''Security - firefox@security.bugs'''
For app-level security bugs. If the problem relates to underlying components (PSM, NSS, Core, Toolkit) then please file it in the appropriate product instead of here.
* Watchers:marcia
'''Session Restore - session.restore@firefox.bugs'''
'''Software Update - software.update@firefox.bugs'''
Update Checking for both the Firefox application as well as installed Extensions, Themes.
* Watchers: Jay, Tomcat, marcia
'''Startup and Profile System - startup@firefox.bugs'''
'''Tabbed Browser - tabbed.browser@firefox.bugs'''
For problems in the browser tab features or problems with the widget itself.
* Watchers: Jay, marcia
'''Toolbars - toolbars@firefox.bugs'''
Canmove, confirm

Navigation menu