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Mobile/Get Involved

8 bytes removed, 15:43, 26 March 2013
The simplest way to keep in touch with the Mobile team on a daily basis is to hang out on the #mobile channel at irc:// We're always there, in different timezones. If you want to talk to people from specific areas or have any questions, here are a few people you can ping:
* '''Front-end:''' bnicholson, lucasr, margaret, mbrubeck, mfinkle, mbrubeck, sriram, vingtetun, wesj* '''Platform:''' blassey, cpeterson, Cwiiis, dougtgbrown, gcp, jdmjchen, kats, snorp
* '''QA:''' AaronMT, kbrosnan, jhammink, mw22, nhirata, tchung
* '''Design:''' briandils, ibarlow, madhava
* '''Marketing:''' sam
* '''Support:''' michelleluna

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