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1,036 bytes added, 12:49, 10 April 2013
* More planning for [ FE work]
* [ Q2 Goals]
* {{bug|852828}} - Add basic support for subscribing to feeds (RSS/Atom)
* {{bug|858561}} - Move BrowserDB.expireHistory from GeckoApp.onPause to GeckoApplication.onActivityPause
* {{bug|843005}} - Disable Android SQLite locking in databases for REL 11 and higher
* {{bug|852787}} - StrictMode policy violation from LocalBrowserDB.getUrlForKeyword()
* {{bug|856739}} - AwesomeBar.onDestroy does DB access on the main thread
* {{bug|859434}} - Close thumbnail cursor in TopSitesView
* {{bug|859425}} - Move decoding/storing favicons to background thread
* {{bug|858872}} - Make Favicon service a little smarter about failed favicons
* {{bug|765155}} - Missing associative icons for recommended add-on listing on about:home
* Tokyo trip next week
* WebRT planning
* {{bug|852608}} - Add support for OpenSearch. Firefox Mobile ignores <link rel="search">
===Ian Barlow===
Canmove, confirm, emeritus

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