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764 bytes added, 15:55, 10 April 2013
===James W. (snorp)===
* Apr 3 - Apr 10:
** bug 857217 - prevent focus from jumping to the layerview too often
** bug 856155 - end IME compositions when processing touch events
** proposed a new tree landing strategy
** APZC unification work:
*** discussed PZC stuff with ajones and BenWa
*** spent a lot of time figuring out PZC
*** some incremental patches:
*** bug 859935 - APZC assumes the controller thread has a message loop
*** bug 859939 - APZC has some incorrect types
*** bug 859951 - refactor some widget/android event code
*** bug 859962 - guard against NPE in BrowserApp
*** bug 860162 - fix scrollCompensation calculation in APZC
* Next:
** get my B2G build environment set up so I can test APZC patches
** finish gluing together fennec and APZC (preffed off by default)
* Attending Research (Shumway) work-week...will likely miss this meeting

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