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103 bytes removed, 14:51, 17 May 2013
Unresolved problems
We don't have a good way of passing the appropriate USAGE flags when creating gralloc buffers. In most cases, we shouldn't pass SW_READ_OFTEN. If the SyncFrontBufferToBackBuffer mechanism requires that, that's sad and we should try to fix it (by doing this copy on the GPU). In many cases, it also doesn't make sense to pass SW_WRITE_OFTEN --- that basically only makes sense for Thebes layers, and Canvas2D if not using SkiaGL, but that doesn't make any sense for WebGL, SkiaGL canvas, or video. '''This is getting resolved by the patch in {{bug|843599}} (vlad)'''
It sucks that when content wants a new gralloc buffer to draw to, it has to wait for all the synchronous IPC work described above. Could we get async gralloc buffer creation? '''No, we can't do that, because only the main process has permissions to allocate gralloc buffers.'''
= Gralloc buffers locking =

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