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1,492 bytes added, 21:33, 20 May 2013
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* Notes on other people interested in issues badges:
* Friend of the Tree, invitation to events, [ Credits], spotlight blog post, LEAD, module owner/peer, [ timeline of contributions]...
===Measuring Effectiveness===
There are a few things to consider when measuring the effectiveness of your badge program:
* What are your goals? Are you interested in growing contributors or retaining contributors (ie, stopping churn)?
** This is likely to be tied to the maturity of your community. New communities just getting started will likely be interested in growth (ie, there is not much of an existing community yet to need to worry about retention) and more established communities will likely be interested in retention (ie, their processes have evolved where they have pathways to get new people involved and they want to keep people engaged)
** The answer to this determines how you analyze the data (ie, a new community can have a simpler approach to analytics that doesn't try to manage both the entrance of new contributors and the exit of existing contributors becoming inactive)
* What's a meaningful time frame for growth? Can a new contributor progress through the set of contributor activities for your project in days, weeks, months. For instance, a new Firefox coding contributor would take multiple releases to go through the process of getting their development environment set up, finding a good bug, creating a patch, going through review process, etc.
* Since badges are opt-in, can you combine the data about who chose to accept a badge and who was eligible for one but didn't accept it? Could these two groups act as separate cohorts for a twin study?
Canmove, confirm

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