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1,889 bytes added, 06:44, 6 June 2013
Created page with "{{draft}} = and Performance = == The Problem == Bugzilla has a long history of performance issues, especially when it starts to scale up to the sizes s..."

= and Performance =

== The Problem ==

Bugzilla has a long history of performance issues, especially when it starts to scale up to the sizes seen on the largest sites. In comparison with modern web applications it can be sluggish to load or update a bug.

== Why? ==

* architecture not designed to scale up to large sizes
** unlike modern web apps, not designed to use caching
** no cross-request caching at all, difficult to retrofit
* usage increases (by both users and api-driven)
* tracking flags and the width of the bugs table
* slow template engine, exacerbated by the state of caching

== What have we done already? ==

* lots of analysis on performance bottlenecks by bugzilla, bmo, and other teams (such as redhat's bugzilla team)
* changes to default behavour to avoid doing slow things by default (eg. don't search comments by default)
* infrastructure upgrades (more webheads, upgrading database version, etc)
* implemented and extended same-request caching (object cache, case-by-case template caching, etc)
* explored using a reverse proxy (no gains, bugzilla makes good use of cache headers)

== What will be be doing? ==

* performance improvements are always an ongoing effort
** eg. analysis has shown that email generation is taking a significant amount of time when a bug is updated, due to the amount of emails generated. average ~40 emails per change, however it isn't unusual for a single change to trigger over 100 emails, which are generated synchronously (but encrypted and delivered by a daemon)
* changing how tracking flags are implemented
* always evaluating caching mechanisms such as memcache and redis
* migrating from yui2 to yui3 (significantly less javascript to load on each page)
* migrating bzapi's rest proxy into bugzilla itself (tighter integration will enable performance improvements to avoid redundant work)

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