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3,727 bytes added, 22:47, 27 June 2013
=== Proof-Of-Work ===
To protect the server's session table memory and CPU usage for the initial SRP calculation, the server might require clients to perform busy-work before calling getToken1(). The server can control how much work is required.
The getToken1() call looks for a "X-PiCL-PoW:" HTTP header. Most of the time, clients don't supply this header. But if the server responds to the getToken1() call with an error that indicates PoW is required, clients must create a valid PoW string and include it as the value of an "X-PiCL-PoW:" header in their next call to getToken1(). The server's error message includes two parameters. The first is a "prefix string": the client's PoW string is required to begin with this prefix. The second is a "threshold hash". SHA256(PoWString) is required to be lexicographically earlier than the thresholdHashString (i.e. the numerical value of its hash must be closer to zero than the threshold). The client is expected to concatenate the prefix with a counter, then repeatedly increment the counter and hash the result until they meet the threshold, then re-submit their getToken1() request with the combined prefix+counter string in the header. If the client has spent more than e.g. 10 seconds doing this, the client should probably help the user cancel the operation and try again. When a server is under a DoS attack (either via some manual configuration tool or sensed automatically), it should start requiring valid unique X-PiCL-PoW headers. The server should initially require very little work, by using a threshold hash with just a few leading zero bits. If this is insufficient to reduce the attack volume, the threshold should be lowered, requiring even more work (from both the attacker and legitimate clients). The server should create a prefix string that contains a parseable timestamp and a random nonce (e.g. "%d-%d-" % (int(time.time()), b32encode(os.urandom(8)))). The server should also decide on a cutoff time (perhaps ten minutes ago). Each server must then maintain a table of "old PoW strings" (these do not need to be shared among all servers: an in-RAM cache is fine). When the server receives a proposed PoW string, it first splits off the leading timestamp, and if the timestamp is older than the cutoff time, it rejects the string (either by dropping the connection, or returning a new "PoW required" error if it's feeling nice). Then it hashes the whole string and compares it against the threshold, rejecting those which fail to meet the threshold. Finally, for strings that pass the hash threshold, it checks the "old strings" table, and rejects any that appear on that list. If the PoW string makes it past all these checks, the server should add the string to the "old strings" table, then accept the request (i.e. compute an srpB value and add a session-id table entry for the request). The old-strings table check should be optimized to reject present strings quickly (i.e. if we are under attack, we should expect to see lots of duplicates of the same string, and must minimize the work we do when this occurs). The server can remove values from the old-strings table that have timestamps older than the cutoff time. The server can also discard values at other times (to avoid consuming too much memory), without losing anything but protection against resource consumption. TBD: Is this worth it? Should the PoW string go into an HTTP header? (I want it to be cheap to extract, and not clutter logs). Should the error response be a distinctive HTTP error code so our monitoring tools can easily count them? We can use the same tool to slow down online guessing attacks. The server-side code for this can be deferred until we care to have a response to a DoS attack. However the client-side code for this must be present from day one, otherwise we won't be able to turn on the defense later without fear of disabling legitimate old clients.
=== Client-Side Key Stretching ===

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