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71 bytes added, 03:12, 28 June 2013
Resetting the Account
The request data will contain kA, wrap(kB), and the SRP verifier, concatenated together. The first two pieces are fixed-length. We generate enough reqXORkey bytes to cover all three values.
[[File:PICL-IdPAuth-resetAccount.png|Deriving the resetAccount Keys]]
The request data is XORed with requestXORkey, then delivered in the body of a HAWK request that uses tokenID as and requestHMACkey as credentials.key . Note: it is critical to include the request body in the HAWK integrity check (options.payload=true, on both client and server), otherwise a man-in-the-middle could substitute their own SRP verifier, giving them control over the account (access to the user's class-A data, and a brute-force attack on their password).

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