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1,198 bytes added, 21:03, 9 July 2013
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A slightly more-traditional alternative would be to use AES-CTR (with the same HMAC-SHA256 used here), with a randomly-generated IV. This is equally secure, but requires implementors to obtain an AES library (with CTR mode, which does not seem to be universal). An even more traditional technique would be AES-CBC, which introduces the need for padding and a way to specify the length of the plaintext. The additional specification complexity, plus the library load, leads me to prefer HKDF+XOR.
= Glossary =
This defines some of the jargon we've developed for this protocol.
* data classes: each type of browser data (bookmarks, passwords, history, etc) can be assigned, by the user, to either class-A or class-B
* class-A: data assigned to this class can be recovered, even if the user forgets their password, by proving control over an email address and resetting the account. It can also be read by Mozilla (since it runs the keyserver and knows kA), or by the user's IdP (by resetting the account without the user's permission).
* class-B: data in this class cannot be recovered if the password is forgotten. It cannot be read by the IdP. Mozilla (via the keyserver) cannot read this data, but can attempt a brute-force dictionary attack against the password.
* kA: the master key for data stored as "class-A", a 32-byte binary string. Individual encryption keys for different datatypes are derived from kA.
* kB: the master key for data stored as "class-B", a 32-byte binary string.
* wrap(kB): an encrypted copy of kB. The keyserver stores wrap(kB) and never sees kB itself. The client (browser) uses a key derived from the user's password to decrypt wrap(kB), obtaining the real kB.

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